10) Edge and Christian vs. The Hardyz(10/17/99)
This match was the first tag team ladder match to ever take place in the WWE and also the finals of the Terri Invitational Tournament where her own managerial services and a wad of cash were up for grabs. All four guys busted out some awesome never-before-seen spots that many people thought solidified these four men as future stars, which it did. A tremendous match that got all the guys involved standing ovations both on the night and at the next Raw. This would be a sign of things to come from these guys.
9) Edge vs. Kurt Angle (04/21/02)
This whole feud was kind of put together because neither guy had anything to do at the time, with Edge fresh off the back of the infamous Booker T/shampoo commercial feud. This was the first match in the series between Kurt Angle and Edge in 2002 (this particular match taking place at Backlash) and in my opinion, this was the best, albeit shortest of the series. It was non-stop back and forth action but eventually it was Kurt Angle who came out on top with an Angle Slam.
8) Shelton Benjamin vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Chris Benoit (04/02/05)
As you'' realise this is the first ever Money in the Bank Ladder match with six guys participating to secure a contract for a future world championship opportunity. This was a really innovative match and all six participants played a vital role in making the match work as well as it did. Shelton Benjamin in particular truly shined in this match as he produced his now famous ladder run/clothesline off the ladder move on Chris Jericho. On several occasions it seemed as if Chris Benoit had the match won after he connected with a Swandive headbutt on Kane busting himself open in the process. As he was climbing the ladder, Edge used a steel chair to the arm (which various superstar had been targeting) to knock the wolverine off of the ladder and then claim the Money in the Bank briefcase. This would mark Edge's first huge win that would propel him to his first WWE Championship the next year.
7) Edge and Christian vs. The Dudleyz vs. The Hardyz (04/01/01)
This was the Tables, Ladders and Chairs II match that took place at one of the greatest wrestling pay-per-views of all time, WrestleMania X-Seven in the Houston Astrodome. While this was not as good as the original it certainly has its own unique appeal. Each time had their own run-in during this match who all got involved physically. Spike Dudley interfered for the Dudleyz, Lita helped out the Hardyz while Rhyno came to the aid of Edge and Christian. Despite Jeff Hardy delivering a Swanton Bomb through a table to Rhyno and Spike, the man-beast's help proved vital as he assisted Christian to the top of the ladder while Edge held back D-Von Dudley. This was also the match where arguably the greatest TLC spot took place. Jeff Hardy, dangling from the tag title belts with nothing but air underneath him, was speared to the ground by Edge diving off of a 20 ft ladder. Both men were folded up like the proverbial accordion. Tremendous spotfest here.
6) Edge and Christian vs. The Hardyz vs. The Dudleyz (04/02/00)
This match took place a year earlier at WrestleMania 2000 and was the triangle ladder match. Coming off the success of the Hardyz/E&C ladder match six months earlier, these guys wanted to take it to the next level and they sure as hell did it here. By the end of the match, this had become TLC before TLC was invented in the E. This match was longer than either of the two TLC matches and it's amazing that these six men were able to keep throwing out great spot after great spot, and there wasn't even that much down time. In the end, it was Matt Hardy, Edge and Christian all on a table prompted by two set up ladders. Hardy was touching the gold but in an awesome prelude to the way Edge's character would eventually go, that sneaky S.O.B. crept behind Hardy and pushed off the structure and through another table below, which got completely obliterated. Another fantastic match from a combination of the Hardyz/Dudz and E & C.
5) Edge and Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit (11/07/02)
Because I know Julian would have wanted to do something towards this weeks column, this blurb is from last week's column as this match was included in the top 10 SmackDown matches.
This was a 2/3 falls match for the WWE tag team titles that was a rematch of their No Mercy encounter, which was perhaps the best pure tag team match of the 21st century. These men had a lot to live up to following that classic performance and they delivered with this instantly memorable exhibition. The action in this match was way too fast to try to recap, but the first fall came after an alley-oop hurricarana by Edge & Rey onto Benoit which was followed up by a double-team powerbomb which put Benoit down for three and gave Edge & Rey a one fall advantage. A few minutes later, Edge got clocked with a title belt after attempting a spear and got caught in the Anklelock and had no choice but to tap which evened the match at one fall a piece. The next few minutes featured both teams desperately not trying to lose the deciding fall until Rey was able to roll up Angle for the three count, but Angle had his feet in the ropes which created a controversy. After a few minutes of deliberation, it was decided that the match must continue and that there would a fourth fall which would determine the winner. The match ended when Edge countered an Anklelock by rolling through and Rey hit Angle with a 619 from the floor which enabled Edge to hit him with a spear for the three count. This was a fantastic match that I could watch over and over again and never be bored of it.
4) Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero (09/26/02)
This match was the culmination of the Edge/Eddie feud that included a fantastic match at Summerslam 2002. This match was No DQ and saw these two men beat the absolute crap out of each other. Some of the highlights of this match included Eddie delivering a hilo while Edge was sandwiched in between two ladders, Eddie delivering a sunset flip powerbomb from the top of a ladder, Eddie getting backdropped upside down into a ladder, and Edge hitting Eddie with an implant DDT from the top of a ladder which was enough to end the match. This was an absolutely insane match and one of the best matches I've seen on free TV EVER!
3) Edge vs. Mick Foley (04/02/06)
This was the Hardcore match from WrestleMania 22.

While this match is largely remembered for the one flaming table spot, there were many more cool factors in this match. Some of the head shots with various weapons were just completely brutal, and then there was all the barbed wire action, which actually caught up with Lita eventually as she received a barbed-wire-covered Socko. Mick Foley, looking for his WrestleMania moment, may not have won this match but he definitely gave the Chicago crowd something to remember him by. Some credit also should go to Lita who put her body on the line on many occasions in this match included the aforementioned Mr. Sock spot and taking a sick bump to the floor riding on the back of Foley who was giving the Cactus clothesline to Edge. In the end it was Lita's interference that resulted in the final spot. When Lita hit Foley with the barbed wire 2x4, it allowed Edge to deliver the Spear off the ring apron through the flaming table. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest hardcore matches of all time and really the match that solidified Edge's main event status.
2) Edge and Christian vs. The Hardyz vs. The Dudleyz (08/27/00)
Tables, Ladders, and Chairs! Oh-my! This was the original TLC match that took place at Summerslam. First thing that needs to be said is that the wrong guys went over here. The Hardys were in their hometown of North Carolina and could have done with the victory more than eventual winners E & C. I feel we were denied a special moment there, but it is hard to complain because this match was so good. I still think to this day that this is the best TLC match. Matt Hardy took a sick backwards bump off a ladder through a table that could have been a career-ender if it had not been measured perfectly. Even Lita was injured when Edge nailed her with a Spear on the floor (oh, the irony) and she hit her head on the very corner of a ladder laying at ringside. But it was Bubba Dudley who took the 4 table bump from the 20ft ladder and just like WrestleMania, Edge and Christian quite literally ascended to the top and won the tag team championships.
1) Edge and Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit (10/20/02)
This was the finals of the tag team tournament to crown SmackDown's first WWE Tag Team Champions. Edge and Rey had knocked off Ron Simmons and D-Von in the semis while Angle and Benoit got passed Los Guerreros in an excellent match on SmackDown. This truly was a tremendous match and deserves its status as MOTY for 2002. They went 20+ minutes in an all out war that would not be topped by any of the other tremendous matches between the awesome SmackDown Six (Benoit, Angle, Edge, Mysterio, Eddie, Chavo). In the end it was Edge who tap out to Kurt Angle's Ankle Lock and the unlikely duo of Angle and Benoit won the tag team titles. It was matches like this that made the guys in the back really think that Edge could be a huge star someday and look where he is now.
And as usually here is the ECW (5/15/2007) recap
So the word came today from WWE.com that Sabu got released. That really does suck as it appears that Rob Van Dam and the rest of the originals will be gone soon. Hopefully McMahon does a reality check and realizes that a third brand is not needed anymore.
And the action starts now!
We open with a video package from last night's Lashley vs. Coach match from last night. The typical video, including the beat down afterwards and a slow motion title to the head.
We then go to McMahon life via Satellite at WWE Studios. McMahon blames Lashley for having to wear that dorky dew rag or whatever he's wearing and brags about knocking him out last night. Lashley faces The New Breed tonight, just like he is down 3 to 1 this Sunday, with a named judge, jury, and executioner this time in himself, Shane, and Umaga. We go to the opening video and straight to the opening match with Joey Styles and Tazz at ringside.
Rob Van Dam vs. Snitsky
Styles says that this match with Snitsky is punishment by Mr. McMahon for standing up to him. We go to a quick break with RVD hitting the ring.
We come back and RVD is still waiting on the freak Snitsky. Interesting that they are using the normal Smackdown entrance tonight, not the separate entrance they usually have. Styles now says that he thinks this is punishment. The bell rings and RVD tries some kicks, but Snitsky just lifts up RVD and tosses him. RVD goes back to the kicks and hits a low dropkick, but he gets planted with a huge powerslam. Snitsky stomps away on RVD and lifts him back up for a bodyslam. Elbow drops from Snitsky get a two count on RVD. Snitsky with a one arm headlock and some clubs to the chest on RVD before backing him in a corner for an illegal choke. Tazz goes into Snitsky's ugliness, including his teeth, but we don't get a close up. Snitsky connects with a very nice vertical suplex for a two count. One arm headlock and more clubs by Snitsky again. RVD gets backed into the corner and Snitsky uses the boot for another illegal choke. Snitsky hooks RVD in the double underhook, but RVD gets his second wind and uses his knees to free himself. RVD into the corner, but Snitsky charges and misses. Kick to the head of Snitsky and RVD connects with a springboard dropkick to take the big man down. RVD with a running spin kick and Snitsky stays up. Snitsky avoids the diving savate kick and RVD catches the boot for a windmill kick. Snitsky avoids rolling thunder, but then RVD avoids the big boot as Snitsky gets hung up on the top rope. Snitsky gets dumped to the outside and RVD follows, but gets met with a huge clothesline. Snitsky gets pissed and grabs a steel chair. He runs half way around the ring and blasts RVD in the head for the DQ at 6:10. Tazz says it looks like Snitsky just got pissed off. RVD is just out cold as Snitsky backs up the ramp.
Winner: Rob Van Dam
Before we go to the break, we get a hype video for CM Punk as he is in action next.
CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards
WE are back from the break and CM Punk is coming down to the ring for his match, ribs still very heavily taped due to his match from last week with Marcus Cor Von. And hey, it's another Stevie Sighting!! The bell rings and Punk plays the cat and mouse game and kicks Richards in the chest. A ton of kicks keeps Richards at bay and hits an exploder suplex for a two count. Richards catches Punk with a knee to the gut and then goes after the wrapping. He gets it all off and stomps away on the injured ribs of Punk. Punk fights back with some kicks, but Richards knees Punk in the gut and then hits a kick to the spine for a two count. Stevie locks in a Bow and Arrow on CM Punk, but Punk rolls into a pin for a two count. He rolls into another two count. Punk tries a sunset flip, but Richards leaps into a double stomps to the ribcage for a two count. Abdominal Stretch locked in by Richards, but Punk battles out and flips Richards over with a hip toss. Richards with another kick to the gut in the corner. Richards charges, but Punk avoids it and hits some kicks to the back, followed by a neckbreaker for a two count. Richards whipped to the corner and Punk lands the high knee. Bulldog is avoided as Richards gets the boots up. Punk in the corner and Stevie goes for the tornado DDT, but Punk catches him coming off and hits the Go2Sleep for the three count at 4:32. Punk really looks hurt as he has trouble getting up without clutching his ribs.
Winner: CM Punk
Backstage, The New Breed are watching and Burke makes sure they are ready. Cor Von says he was born ready and Burke refuses to let Striker talk, saying he needs to right himself before he can talk again. Burke then talks about defeating Lashley tonight and destroying Punk on Sunday.
Kevin Thorn vs. Nunzio
Back from the break and Kevin Thorn comes out with Ariel as they go over how he quit The New Breed. Thorn now has red smoke at ringside when he enters the ring with Ariel. Looks pretty cool and the extra red light makes it looks freaky. The bell rings and the lock up forces Nunzio back into the corner. Thorn is extra aggressive with elbows and boots. Thorn grabs Nunzio and chucks him all the way across the ring by his head. Jawbreaker by Nunzio, but Thorn no sells it and continues to pound away. Nunzio uses a boot to create some space and Nunzio gets a head scissors, but Thorn turns it into a powerbomb for a two count. Ref having a tough time keeping Thorn under control, but Thorn continues to strike down Nunzio. Sidewalks Slam by Thorn gets a two count. Nunzio keeps fighting back with body shots, but it has no effect. Rear choke is locked on by Thorn on Nunzio. Nunzio breaks free and comes off the ropes, but he gets caught and is back into the corner. Nunzio fights back again and hits a dropkick from the top rope on Thorn for a two count. Nunzio goes for a springboard, but Thorn catches him for a dark kiss and a three count at 3:57.
Winner: Kevin Thorn
After a Condemned video, we see that the Extreme Expose comes after the break. Seriously, why do they keep pushing his movie on us when every number shows that it was a complete and utter flop? I saw it, I kinda liked it, I'll buy the DVD, but I'll never get why they show us details on a movie that might not be out there this weekend anywhere.
We are back and it is Extreme Expose with "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake. Again, same shit, different week, and it is hard to tell, but I think the crowd is turning on it as well. I hate to say it, but thank god.
We get the opening video package again from last night with Bobby Lashley and his situation with the McMahon alliance.
Lashley then gives us a promo, stating that he will be seeing the McMahons and Umaga across the ring tonight and that on Sunday, with the no touch rule being gone, he will take back the ECW Championship.
Bobby Lashley vs. The New Breed (Burke, Cor Von, and Striker)
The New Breed comes out first as we go to a commercial break. Back from the break and out comes Lashley. The look in Lashley's eyes are amazing as he stares at that ring. The bell rings and Lashley will start with Burke. Burke gets some knees to the gut and locks in a headlock. Burke off the ropes and he gets met with a shoulder block. Lashley lifts up Burke for a huge delayed vertical suplex. Burke rushes to the corner and takes in Cor Von. They stare down each other for like 15 seconds and they lock up and Lashley with a go behind. Lashley with a standing leapfrog to avoid Cor Von off the ropes and hits a shoulder block. Striker tags himself in to try and prove himself but is quickly slammed down by Lashley. Striker gets dumped to the outside and Burke starts mouthing off and gets decked by Burke. Cor Von comes in from behind and irish whips Lashley and connects with the PPPPOOOUUNNCCEEEE!!! Lashley ends up flying over the top rope and crashes to the floor! Burke comes back in a tries to pick up the cheap win, but Lashley kicks out at two. Lashley gets the advantage again, but Burke is able to tag in Cor Von. Cor Von slams Lashley down and locks in a chin lock. Lashley battles back and whips Cor Von. Cor Von ducks a clothesline and hits a back suplex. Burke gets tagged in and gets a two count. Burke locks in a modified abdominal stretch, but Lashley battles out and connects with a belly to belly suplex. Burke rushes to his corner and tags in Cor Von. Striker gets tossed into the ring and Lashley hits the shoulder blocks in the corner. Lashley with a clothesline on Striker. Striker gets whipped to the ropes and Lashley lifts him up with one hand, following it up with a huge spinebuster type powerslam. Lashley lines up Striker and hits the spear for the pinfall at 7:01. Burke and Striker look on from the ramp and then come down to run down Striker for losing. We focus on Lashley as the show closes.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
(Didn't like the fact that Lashley dominated against 3 young and good wrestlers. WWE should stop making him look like a Superman. After Sabu leaving, and now probably the rest of the Originals will follow, the best thing to do is to close down the third brand)
And the action starts now!
We open with a video package from last night's Lashley vs. Coach match from last night. The typical video, including the beat down afterwards and a slow motion title to the head.
We then go to McMahon life via Satellite at WWE Studios. McMahon blames Lashley for having to wear that dorky dew rag or whatever he's wearing and brags about knocking him out last night. Lashley faces The New Breed tonight, just like he is down 3 to 1 this Sunday, with a named judge, jury, and executioner this time in himself, Shane, and Umaga. We go to the opening video and straight to the opening match with Joey Styles and Tazz at ringside.
Rob Van Dam vs. Snitsky
Styles says that this match with Snitsky is punishment by Mr. McMahon for standing up to him. We go to a quick break with RVD hitting the ring.
We come back and RVD is still waiting on the freak Snitsky. Interesting that they are using the normal Smackdown entrance tonight, not the separate entrance they usually have. Styles now says that he thinks this is punishment. The bell rings and RVD tries some kicks, but Snitsky just lifts up RVD and tosses him. RVD goes back to the kicks and hits a low dropkick, but he gets planted with a huge powerslam. Snitsky stomps away on RVD and lifts him back up for a bodyslam. Elbow drops from Snitsky get a two count on RVD. Snitsky with a one arm headlock and some clubs to the chest on RVD before backing him in a corner for an illegal choke. Tazz goes into Snitsky's ugliness, including his teeth, but we don't get a close up. Snitsky connects with a very nice vertical suplex for a two count. One arm headlock and more clubs by Snitsky again. RVD gets backed into the corner and Snitsky uses the boot for another illegal choke. Snitsky hooks RVD in the double underhook, but RVD gets his second wind and uses his knees to free himself. RVD into the corner, but Snitsky charges and misses. Kick to the head of Snitsky and RVD connects with a springboard dropkick to take the big man down. RVD with a running spin kick and Snitsky stays up. Snitsky avoids the diving savate kick and RVD catches the boot for a windmill kick. Snitsky avoids rolling thunder, but then RVD avoids the big boot as Snitsky gets hung up on the top rope. Snitsky gets dumped to the outside and RVD follows, but gets met with a huge clothesline. Snitsky gets pissed and grabs a steel chair. He runs half way around the ring and blasts RVD in the head for the DQ at 6:10. Tazz says it looks like Snitsky just got pissed off. RVD is just out cold as Snitsky backs up the ramp.
Winner: Rob Van Dam
Before we go to the break, we get a hype video for CM Punk as he is in action next.
CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards
WE are back from the break and CM Punk is coming down to the ring for his match, ribs still very heavily taped due to his match from last week with Marcus Cor Von. And hey, it's another Stevie Sighting!! The bell rings and Punk plays the cat and mouse game and kicks Richards in the chest. A ton of kicks keeps Richards at bay and hits an exploder suplex for a two count. Richards catches Punk with a knee to the gut and then goes after the wrapping. He gets it all off and stomps away on the injured ribs of Punk. Punk fights back with some kicks, but Richards knees Punk in the gut and then hits a kick to the spine for a two count. Stevie locks in a Bow and Arrow on CM Punk, but Punk rolls into a pin for a two count. He rolls into another two count. Punk tries a sunset flip, but Richards leaps into a double stomps to the ribcage for a two count. Abdominal Stretch locked in by Richards, but Punk battles out and flips Richards over with a hip toss. Richards with another kick to the gut in the corner. Richards charges, but Punk avoids it and hits some kicks to the back, followed by a neckbreaker for a two count. Richards whipped to the corner and Punk lands the high knee. Bulldog is avoided as Richards gets the boots up. Punk in the corner and Stevie goes for the tornado DDT, but Punk catches him coming off and hits the Go2Sleep for the three count at 4:32. Punk really looks hurt as he has trouble getting up without clutching his ribs.
Winner: CM Punk
Backstage, The New Breed are watching and Burke makes sure they are ready. Cor Von says he was born ready and Burke refuses to let Striker talk, saying he needs to right himself before he can talk again. Burke then talks about defeating Lashley tonight and destroying Punk on Sunday.
Kevin Thorn vs. Nunzio
Back from the break and Kevin Thorn comes out with Ariel as they go over how he quit The New Breed. Thorn now has red smoke at ringside when he enters the ring with Ariel. Looks pretty cool and the extra red light makes it looks freaky. The bell rings and the lock up forces Nunzio back into the corner. Thorn is extra aggressive with elbows and boots. Thorn grabs Nunzio and chucks him all the way across the ring by his head. Jawbreaker by Nunzio, but Thorn no sells it and continues to pound away. Nunzio uses a boot to create some space and Nunzio gets a head scissors, but Thorn turns it into a powerbomb for a two count. Ref having a tough time keeping Thorn under control, but Thorn continues to strike down Nunzio. Sidewalks Slam by Thorn gets a two count. Nunzio keeps fighting back with body shots, but it has no effect. Rear choke is locked on by Thorn on Nunzio. Nunzio breaks free and comes off the ropes, but he gets caught and is back into the corner. Nunzio fights back again and hits a dropkick from the top rope on Thorn for a two count. Nunzio goes for a springboard, but Thorn catches him for a dark kiss and a three count at 3:57.
Winner: Kevin Thorn
After a Condemned video, we see that the Extreme Expose comes after the break. Seriously, why do they keep pushing his movie on us when every number shows that it was a complete and utter flop? I saw it, I kinda liked it, I'll buy the DVD, but I'll never get why they show us details on a movie that might not be out there this weekend anywhere.
We are back and it is Extreme Expose with "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake. Again, same shit, different week, and it is hard to tell, but I think the crowd is turning on it as well. I hate to say it, but thank god.
We get the opening video package again from last night with Bobby Lashley and his situation with the McMahon alliance.
Lashley then gives us a promo, stating that he will be seeing the McMahons and Umaga across the ring tonight and that on Sunday, with the no touch rule being gone, he will take back the ECW Championship.
Bobby Lashley vs. The New Breed (Burke, Cor Von, and Striker)
The New Breed comes out first as we go to a commercial break. Back from the break and out comes Lashley. The look in Lashley's eyes are amazing as he stares at that ring. The bell rings and Lashley will start with Burke. Burke gets some knees to the gut and locks in a headlock. Burke off the ropes and he gets met with a shoulder block. Lashley lifts up Burke for a huge delayed vertical suplex. Burke rushes to the corner and takes in Cor Von. They stare down each other for like 15 seconds and they lock up and Lashley with a go behind. Lashley with a standing leapfrog to avoid Cor Von off the ropes and hits a shoulder block. Striker tags himself in to try and prove himself but is quickly slammed down by Lashley. Striker gets dumped to the outside and Burke starts mouthing off and gets decked by Burke. Cor Von comes in from behind and irish whips Lashley and connects with the PPPPOOOUUNNCCEEEE!!! Lashley ends up flying over the top rope and crashes to the floor! Burke comes back in a tries to pick up the cheap win, but Lashley kicks out at two. Lashley gets the advantage again, but Burke is able to tag in Cor Von. Cor Von slams Lashley down and locks in a chin lock. Lashley battles back and whips Cor Von. Cor Von ducks a clothesline and hits a back suplex. Burke gets tagged in and gets a two count. Burke locks in a modified abdominal stretch, but Lashley battles out and connects with a belly to belly suplex. Burke rushes to his corner and tags in Cor Von. Striker gets tossed into the ring and Lashley hits the shoulder blocks in the corner. Lashley with a clothesline on Striker. Striker gets whipped to the ropes and Lashley lifts him up with one hand, following it up with a huge spinebuster type powerslam. Lashley lines up Striker and hits the spear for the pinfall at 7:01. Burke and Striker look on from the ramp and then come down to run down Striker for losing. We focus on Lashley as the show closes.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
(Didn't like the fact that Lashley dominated against 3 young and good wrestlers. WWE should stop making him look like a Superman. After Sabu leaving, and now probably the rest of the Originals will follow, the best thing to do is to close down the third brand)
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