RAW - 4/30 results
Location: The Gaylord Entertainment Center in Nashville
- RAW begins with John Cena and Mr. McMahon backstage, McMahon trys to act cool to John Cena, but Cena punks him out - HBK interrupts he says he wants one more shot tonight, Cena accepts, McMahon says he makes the decisions and tells HBK must earn his shot tonight and if he wins he will get a shot at Cena next week.
(1) Edge vs. Randy Orton. Edge slaps Orton to begin the match, Randy and Edge both take it to each other, Edge is knocked off the apron onto the guard rail.
Back in the ring Orton is speared from the apron onto the announce table, J.R. and King both taken out and eventually get their headsets back on.
Edge gets a near fall, KIng's headset is broken and finally gets back on air, Edge continues to work over Orton, Edge goes to the top but Orton manages to stop him, fans are mainly behind Orton, Edge knocks Orton away and goes for a cross body from the top but Orton catches him with a mid-air dropkick.
Orton gains control and hits a back breaker for a close near fall, Edge manages to hit a power move for another near fall, fans chant "Randy" both guys go for a cross body and both crash and burn.
Referee Mike Chioda starts to count them down, they make it to their feet, more near falls, Edge tries to pin Orton with his feet on the ropes but the ref sees, Orton tries the same but is seen, Orton gets busted open the hard way. Edge goes for a spear but Orton leapfrogs and Edge hist the turnbuckle, Edge then reverses a RKO attempt into a spear for the clean win. Great match.
- Video package is shown of Cena vs. HBK from last week, graphic is then shown for Cena-HBK 3 tonight.
- Todd Grisham interviews Santino in a pre-taped segment, they look back at the title change, Santino says if this is a dream he doesnt want to wake up, he says next week is his first title defence, he is excited but nervous.
- The footage of RVD's comments about Vince McMahon becoming champ, from wwe.com is shown. Graphic is then shown for RVD vs. Umaga later.
- Backstage, Vince is talking with Shane, he tells Shane to make sure Umaga destroys RVD, Vince thanks Shane for last night and Shane tells his dad he loves him and gives him a hug, Vince then lets Shane hold the belt.
- Also backstage, Maria interviews Edge, Maria says even though Edge won he doesn't look happy, Edge calls Maria a bimbo and says he isn't happy because HBK has got yet another shot at Cena, he says he is going to have to insert himself into the picture.
(2) World Tag Team Champion Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch are doing commentary - they are strangely giving many positive comments to the Hardys.
Jeff hits the whisper in the wind and a face-first suplex for a near fall, Nitro gets back dropped from the top turnbuckle, Hardy hits the swanton bomb for the victory.
Cade & Murdoch get on the mic and congratulate Hardy, they get in the ring to shake Hardy's hand but he doesn't trust that they won't attack him so he leaves.
- Pictures are shown from the fatal-4-way last night.
- Up next; Umaga vs. Rob Van Dam
- Pictures are shown of the ECW Title match from last night.
- Shane McMahon makes his way to the ring, he introduces Umaga who makes his way to the ring.
(3) Umaga vs. Rob Van Dam.
Back from a break, Umaga launced RVD from the top turnbuckle to the outside, Shane is at ringside, RVD tries to get back into it but Umaga hits a samoan drop, RVD tries to slam Umaga but he is too heavy so RVD collapses with Umaga on top of him.
RVD manages to apply a sleeper, Shane looks concerned, Umaga finally gets RVD off him by sending him to the outside.
RVD then applys the sleeper to Umaga outside, Umaga rams RVD into the steel steps to get him off again, back in the ring Umaga goes for his running power move but RVD moves, RVD works over Umaga with kicks finally knocking him off his feet, RVD hits the rolling thunder for a near fall. RVD hits the frog splash but Umaga grabs RVD's throat and pulls him up for a samoan spike for the win. Vince celebrates with his title on the stage.
Up next; HBK vs. Cena 3
- Backstage, Carlito runs into Ric Flair and he says he is sorry for yelling at him last week and that he has got them a match against the World's Greatest Tag Team, Carlito says if they dont win then he will be out of Flair's hair for good.
(4) Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena - HBK's music plays but he doesn't come out, we are shown backstage HBK layed out unconscious.
- back from the break, Coachman joins the scene of HBK's attack, Cena is also there, Coach blames Cena, Cena grabs Coach and shoves him up to a wall and then walks off, Vince then finds HBK, he says he wants HBK in the ring no matter what shape he's in.
(5) Ric Flair & Carlito vs. World's Greatest Tag Team
Carlito & Shelton have some nice chain wrestling, WGTT keep on top of Carlito, Carlito finally gains control, tags Flair, Flair takes it to Benjamin, Flair woooo's to the crowd and turns around into a left hand from Carlito. Carlito attacks Flair but Flair manages to rake Carlito's eyes, Carlito leaves up the ramp but Flair chases after him and attacks him delivering some punches of his own. Carlito keeps turning his back to Flair and Flair keeps going after Carlito and taking him down, Carlito finally escapes, Flair looks furious.
- Backstage, Coachman and a trainer find Edge also layed out unconscious, ref Mike Chioda comes in, Coach tells Chioda to find Orton.
- Mr. Kennedy makes his way to the ring, he says that he is not to blame for the attacks, he doesnt need to attack anybody because he has the money in the bank breifcase, he says he could of easily walked out of Backlash with a championship but decided not to.
He asked if anyone would like to see him cash in tonight for the WWE Title? the fans cheer but he says its not going to happen, he says he will be upfront and tell everyone where and when he will cash in. He then goes on to announce he will cash in his money in the bank breifcase at WrestleMania 24!!
- Backstage Coachman and Kenny find Randy Orton ALSO layed out unconscious, Coach says he is going to tell McMahon.
- Also backstage, Coach finds Vince and tells him what has happened, Vince says he has figured out who has done it, he tells Coach to make Cena go to the ring and we will find out who it is.
(6) Victoria & Women's Champion Melina Perez vs. Candice Michelle & Mickie James.
Mickie & Candice have early control but Melina& Victoria soon gain control, Candice catches Victoria with a roll up for the win.
- Cena is shown slowly making his way to the ring.
- Clips of Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, RVD & Sabu's video thoughts on Vince's title win from last night are shown.
- Graphic shows Vince will be on ECW tomorrow night.
- We are shown the footage of earlier tonight showing HBK, Edge & Orton laid out.
- WWE Champion John Cena makes his way to the ring, Cena says obviously someone wants his attention, he says the energy of 3 beatdowns could of been saved because he is right here.
After a while, The Great Khali's music hits, he makes his way to the ring and destroys Cena, Cena tries to hit an FU but Khali got out of it, Khali hit Cena with his choke bomb and stands over him holding up the WWE Title. J.R. asks if this is a sign of things to come as RAW goes off the air.
All in all a good show - opening segment was really funny, Carlito turning heel was also a great idea, because Carlito is at his best when he plays a heel role. And Cena vs Khali could be a good and entertaining match, but it shouldn't be the last match of the night. World title match should be the 'real' main event at Judgment Day PPV. I just hope Cena is going to be okay because he has a back injury after that choke bomb he received from Khali. But it could simply be a culmination of all the hits he received during the last two years - ever since becoming a WWE champion for the first time he was really working his a** off.
WWE RAW - 5/7 results
Location : Penn State University
RAW kicks off with Jonathan Coachman in the ring, he introduces the ECW Champion Mr. McMahon. Vince says he not only comes as ECW Champion but as the Chairman of the board, Vince recaps the events of last week when The Great Khali took out Shawn Michaels, Edge, Randy Orton & John Cena. Vince is about to announce Cena vs. Khali for Judgment Day when HBK cuts him off. He says the #1 contenders spot was his until Khali attacked him, he says Vince has never done anything for him but tonight he requests to face The Great Khali, HBK admits that he has lost his mind requesting the match - Vince decides to give HBK what he wants and so later tonight Shawn Michales will face The Great Khali in a No-DQ Match for the #1 Contenders spot for Judgment Day. Vince shifts his attention to the ECW Title, he is interrupted by Bobby Lashley who says that now he wants his match, Vince reminds Lashley that he cant touch Umaga, Shane or Vince himself. He shows video footage of Backlash to try and piss Lashley off. He then shows Lashley the cover for the latest WWE Magazine (same as the proposed Vengeance PPV poster) which shows Lashley, Undertaker & Cena all holding their belts, Vince notes that it is now out of date and super-imposes his face on Lashley's body. Vince then announces at Judgment Day he will defend his title against Lashley, but Vince will have tag partners, Shane & Umaga.

Vince goes on to verbally abuse Lashley trying to get him to hit Vince so that he looses his shot at the title, Lashley is able to stay calm but then after Vince leaves the ring he takes out his aggression on Coach choking him out and delivering a spear.
Lashley then stares down McMahon from the ring.
- Graphic is shown for John Cena vs. Randy Orton later tonight.
- Backstage, Candice Michelle & Mickie James are shown in the lockeroom. Candice is half naked and asks Mickie to button her up. They're making their way to ringside.
(1) Mickie James & Candice Michelle vs. Melina & Victoria. Candice hits a spinning heel kick on Melina to pin the Women's Champion! Candice is defiantly improving in the ring.
(2) WWE IC Champion Santino Marella vs. Chris Masters. Very physical match at first. Marella is looking surprisingly good. Big elbow by Masters in the corner but Masters spears the turnbuckle, roll up by Marella for the pin.

- Graphics are shown for Cena vs. Orton & HBK vs. Khali #1 Contenders.
Money in the Bank winner Mr. Kennedy makes his way to the RAW stage, he plugs his WrestleMania 24 World Championship Match.
- backstage, Maria interviews Randy Orton, he says he requested his match with Cena, he states that tonight his career, his title hopes, and his life get back on track.
(3) Handicap Match - The Highlanders vs. Umaga. Umaga makes extremely short work of Robbie & Rory, delivering Samoan Spikes and a huge top-rope splash on both the Highlanders for a double-pin victory.
- Video hype for "The Condemned"
- The Great Khali is shown walking backstage, #1 Contenders match is up next.
- Backstage, Edge approaches Mr. Kennedy about putting the breifcase up for grabs, Kennedy gets in Edge's face and accepts.
- Graphic is shown for RVD's ECW Title match tomorrow night.
(4) #1 Contenders Match for the WWE Championship at Judgment Day - Shawn Michaels vs. The Great Khali. Michaels attacks Khali, he looks like a child next to Khali. HBK takes down Khali with a chair shot and an elbow drop. HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music, but Khali blocks it and hits a overhead chop. Khali starts to dominate, HBK rakes Khali's eyes, remember its no DQ, Shawn tries to choke Khali out and tries to put him through the announce table but Khali throws him off, Khali then choke bombs HBK through the table. Referee stops the match and awards it to Khali, crappy ending.
- Backstage, Todd Grisham interviews John Cena concerning Great Khali's victory, he says he doesn't like it but he has never backed down from anyone, he tells Orton that he choose the wrong person to try and get his life back.
- Backstage. Cryme Tyme are selling things for Mother's Day, they show a steak they stole from Viscera, medication they stole from Eugene and Ron Simmon's ride, a fat guy then goes into shot wearing a spider man costume, Cryme Tyme attack him and steal his money, stupid segment.
(5) The Hardys vs. World's Greatest Tag Team. - Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch are on commentary again. Jeff hits a Swanton on Hass and Matt gets the pin for the victory. After the match, Cade & Murdoch get in the ring and again offer a handshake, Hardys reluctantly accept and Cade & Murdoch leave the ring applauding them.
- Video highlights are shown of Carlito turning on Ric Flair last week.
- Carlito is then shown walking towards the entrance way with Torrie Wilson in toe.
Carlito cuts a promo saying that Ric Flair embarrassed him and that it was his fault they lost all of their matches, he calls Flair out even though he knows Flair isn't there tonight. He says he is going to get rid of all the garbage in his life, starting with Torrie, Carlito then starts talking Spanish and backs Torrie up into the corner, Torrie pushes him away and escapes up the ramp. Carlito continues ranting in Spanish and then storms off.

- More "The Condemned" hype.
(6) Money in the Bank - Mr. Kennedy vs. Edge. Edge attacks Kennedy during his enterance, Edge cracks Kennedy with a monitor. Edge puts Kennedy in the ring, ref asks Kennedy if he is sure he wants to compete, Kennedy tells the ref to ring the bell, Kennedy goes for Edge but Edge connects with a spear and pins Kennedy to win Money in the Bank!

(7) Non-Title - Randy Orton vs. WWE Champion John Cena. Cena slaps on a STFU but Orton gets to the ropes. Khali comes down and takes Cena's title belt and walks towards the back with it. Cena chases him but Khali lays him out with the belt and raises the title in the air as RAW ends.

(This RAW has also been extremely good - Edge won the MITB briefcase which surprised me a lot - maybe I wouldn't be so surprised if I knew that Kennedy was injured before this match. That's why you shouldn't read the news/spoilers because wrestling is so much interesting without knowing them! Santino Marella was surprisingly good in his first match with Chris Masters and I am sure he can do even better. Also, I like the fact that Shawn wasn't pinned by Khali - he simply got 'injured' (I'm pretty sure this injury was just an angle) which in my view makes him look stronger. Carlito's first heel promo was decent and I hope for the re-match between Lashley and McMahons/Umaga to be a no DQ match.

Smackdown! - 5/11 results
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Smackdown opens with a promo on The Undertaker defending the WWE World championship against Batista in a Steel Cage match.
*WWE United States champion Chris Benoit & Matt Hardy defeated MVP & Finlay in a solid bout after Benoit pinned MVP. The heels worked on Hardy's knee for a good portion of the bout and he limped all the way to the back.

*Another Steel Cage Match promo.
*Michelle McCool defeated Jillian Hall with a spinning neckbreaker. Hall "sang a song" before the match started.
*Backstage, Teddy Long told Kristal Marshall to have Vickie Guerrero come to Smackdown next week. Guerrero's name was booed. A new "country looking team" (I believe KC and Cassidy James from OVW) appeared in the vignette and will be wrestling next week.
*They showed highlights of Edge capturing the Money in the Bank from Ken Kennedy on Raw.
*Michael Cole and JBL interviewed Ashley Massaro, who said she can't wait to get back in the ring to take care of Jillian Hall.
*Paul London, with Brian Kendrick defeated WWE Tag Team champion Domino, with Deuce and Cherry. London hit a dropsault on Deuce, knocking him off the apron, and landing on Domino following the flip for the pin.
*Another Steel Cage match promo.
*Kane (with Boogeyman and Little Boogey) defeated Dave Taylor (with William Regal) after a clothesline. Boogey clotheslined Regal right before the finish.

*Another Undertaker vs. Batista video promo.
*They announce Ozzy Osbourne will be performing live on Smackdown! next week.
*Another Undertaker vs. Batista package.
*Snitsky promo, which may have been just for the live Arena.
The Undertaker vs. Batista for the WWE World championship inside a Steel Cage

They announced the match can be won by pinfall, submission or escape. Undertaker got a huge pop while Batista received a mixed reaction. Undertaker's arm is heavily braced and protected. Batista's right knee and quad is also taped up. The first five minutes saw some near falls. The crowd completely turned on Batista as he took control. Batista tried to escape but taker crotched him on the top rope. Taker took control for a moment, then both men hit each other with a clothesline and went down. Batista regained control of the match. Batista nearly scored a pinfall but Taker kicked up and regained control. He nailed a running clothesline in the corner then hit a big boot and a chokeslam for another near fall. Undertaker went for the Last Ride powerbomb but Barista countered and slammed Taker into the cage, busting him open. Batista nailed a spinebuster for a near fall. He tried to climb out of the cage but Undertaker caught him and nailed the Last Ride. Undertaker then tried to escape the cage. Batista began climbing out from another section of the cage, so both were trying to escape simultaneously. Both men hit the floor at the same time and it was announced as draw.

Mark Henry came to ringside and attacked Taker.
Edge came out and cashed in his Money in the Bank title shot and began beating Taker, getting several near falls. Undertaker sat up, but was speared in the sitting position by Edge, who scored the pin. Edge is the new WWE World champion. The crowd went absolutely insane for the title change. After the match, Edge laid out Undertaker with the suitcase and then left holding the belt in one hand and the briefcase in the other.

This was one hell of a Smackdown! show. It was great to see London back, the opening match between Benoit/Matt Hardy vs MVP/Finlay was great, but the main event and the aftermath was awesome. The finish was incredible with both Batista and The Undertaker hitting the floor at the same time. It was excellently worked out. When Mark Henry came out, I thought they were going to make him the new #1 contender for Undertaker's title at Judgment Day, but I was so shocked when Edge came out and cashed in his briefcase and pinned Undertaker - great way for Undertaker to take time off to recover from his injury. And even with Undertaker and Mr. Kennedy out for a very long time (around 6 - 9 months), the World title scene on Smackdown! is looking very good - Edge, Batista, Benoit when he loses the US title, Matt Hardy (you know that writers will continue their feud), and probably even Finlay and Mark Henry + Booker T when he returns.
And tonight, it will be Edge's final night on RAW - and I believe it will be another memorable moment for all the WWE fans. Also, I am getting interested in Cena/Khali feud, just because I want to see if Cena can F-U the Indian giant. Also, Lashley will meet jonathan Coachman in a 1 on 1 match tonight (I just hope this isn't the main event), and I hope that Randy Orton will find his place on the Judgment Day PPV card.
Also, don't miss this Friday's Smackdown! - even if wrestling isn't your biggest interest, you should watch it, because Ozzy Osbourne will perform his song 'I Don't Wanna Stop' which is also the official theme song of Judgment Day PPV.
Okay, that's it from me now, thank you and see you!!!
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